Monday, December 12, 2016

Farm Gate Price Hike for Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee

The Xinhua website reported last October 20, 2016 that Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee sees farm gate price hike

KINGSTON, Oct. 19 (Xinhua) -- International coffee dealers may need to pay more for Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee, one of the most expensive coffees in the world, as leading processors have increased payments to the local farmers.

According to a release by Jamaica's Agriculture Ministry on Wednesday, the payment to farmers will be increased to 9,000 Jamaican dollars (69.81 U.S. dollars) per box from the previous 8,000 Jamaican dollars (62.05 U.S. dollars).

Under the new payment scheme which took effect on Tuesday, farmers will receive a first payment of 8,000 Jamaican dollars per box followed by a final payment of 1,000 Jamaican dollars a box.h The new payment was proposed by the Mavis Bank Coffee Factory and the Wallenford Coffee Company, which together purchase most of the Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee crop, said the release.

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee cherries are sold by "box" to large processors. Each box is 60 pounds (27.22 kg), which can be processed into about 12 pounds (5.44 kg) of green beans, and further into only 9.6 pounds (4.35 kg) of coffee.

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is a type of coffee grown in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. Over the past few decades, this coffee has developed a reputation that has made it one of the most sought-after coffees in the world.

Please read full report at XINHUA WEBSITE.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee producers gain $1.3b

Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee producers gain $1.3b

The Gleaner website reported last November 23, 2016 that joint venture partners Pan-Jamaican Investment Trust and Jamaica Producers Group sold the coffee operation to Specialty Coffee Investments Company Limited (SCI) without disclosing the terms of the transaction.

What effect this event brought to our Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee Retailer friends?  Well, lets wait and see.

Meanwhile, as I was saying, The Gleaner's report on Mavis Bank Coffee Factory sale was at a very high price of $1.3 billion, according to financial reports released.

Jamaica Producers in their third quarter report, booked a gain of just under $650 million from the sale, while Pan-Jam made a slightly bigger gain of $665 million - totalling $1.315 billion between them.

Back in September, Jamaica Producers CEO Jeffrey Hall said the partners paid the Jamaican government $243 million in total to acquire Mavis Bank in 2011.

To read the full report, you can go to The Gleaner Website.

We hope that our Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee Retailer friends will also benefit from this event. 

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jamaican blue mountain coffee retailers
jamaican blue mountain coffee
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blue mountain coffee retailers
blue mountain coffee producers
jamaica blue mountain coffee retailers
jamaica blue mountain coffee


Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee

I am dedicating this blog to all coffee drinkers, coffee lovers and to my family. I am wishing that someday, i will be able to taste Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, or even the Green Mountain Coffee. These two are the best coffee in the whole world and the most expensive coffee. Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is grown in the Blue Mountain of Jamaica wherein the climate has help the coffee beans to grow in the most perfect way which greatly affects the taste of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee.

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