Friday, October 30, 2009

Coffee Health Benefit: Slower Liver Damage Progression

According to Reuters, drinking coffee on a daily basis may slow liver damage from a hepatitis C infection. Patients who are diagnosed with hepatitis eventually have to deal with liver problems, chronic inflammation and scarring of liver tissue known as cirrhosis of the liver. Without a proper functioning liver, the body has trouble breaking down fatty acids and removing toxins from the body. Liver cancer is a possibility for people with hepatitis C. Cirrhosis of the liver is also caused by excessive, long-term alcohol consumption, although this study only dealt with hepatitis C cases.

In the study, 766 people were monitored. Patients who drank three or more cups of coffee reduced the rate of liver damage by 53% over a four-year period. Why does coffee have such a positive effect on this particular disease? With myriad antioxidant compounds, the key to slowing liver damage through coffee is unknown at this point, although curiously enough, drinking tea does not have the same health benefits as drinking coffee in this particular case. It is something specific to the coffee bean that is slowing the disease. Aside from being high in antioxidants, coffee also has an effect on insulin levels, which could be related to the benefits for hepatitis patients.

In addition to drinking copious amounts of coffee, eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and drinking herbal teas, such as red clover and dandelion, which act as blood cleansers, can support liver functioning and slow cirrhosis of the liver.


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Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee

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