Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee Bean Attributes

Blue Mountain Coffee is exclusively made from the Arabica Bean. The Arabica bean is more fragile to grow but is considered more flavorful and has less caffeine than the Robusta Bean grown in many parts of the world.

As a result of the ample cloud cover, mountain shade, altitude, soil minerals, and rainfall where the blue mountain coffee is grown, the berries stay much longer on the tree than other coffees, generally about three to four months longer.

This seems to give the bean a richer and wider flavor which is why Blue Mountain Coffee is coveted by coffee drinkers around the world.

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Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee

I am dedicating this blog to all coffee drinkers, coffee lovers and to my family. I am wishing that someday, i will be able to taste Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, or even the Green Mountain Coffee. These two are the best coffee in the whole world and the most expensive coffee. Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is grown in the Blue Mountain of Jamaica wherein the climate has help the coffee beans to grow in the most perfect way which greatly affects the taste of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee.

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