Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee - The Rarest Coffee

Coffee lovers, dont you know that Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is the rarest kind of coffee in the world? Well, this information was posted by one of the original Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee Retailers, The VolcanicaCoffee, thanks to them. Here's the post below:

Rare Blue Mountain Coffee

Jamaican Blue Mountain is one of the rarest coffees available and also commands one of the highest prices. Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is considered by many to be the best in the world, and for good reason. While taste is very subjective, we can say that Volcanica Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is known for being incredibly well balanced in flavor, with medium acidity and excellent body. Smooth, clean and balanced, full-bodied with subtle acidity. Famous having a perfect balance. Reserved for those who demand perfection.

Blue Mountain Coffee has a very clean taste, with a noticeable sweetness. The flavor is bold, smooth and rich. Because of the rather restricted geographical range where it is grown, Blue Mountain Coffee is available in limited quantities and can sometimes be difficult to find. In order to maintain the high quality of this coffee, Jamaica has established the Jamaica Coffee Industry Board to oversee the production and processing. Most Blue Mountain Coffee beans are grown by small farmers, rather than huge coffee estates seen in other regions.

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is the easily the most famous exotic coffee in the world. The unique combination of soil and micro-climatic conditions specific to the Jamaica Blue Mountain ranges give this coffee a flavor and aroma coveted around the world.

The Japanese now buy up to 90 percent of the crop putting a high demand on this fine coffee. The remaining 10% available for the rest of the world means that at times Blue Mountain Coffee is not available or only at a high price relative to other gourmet coffees. This same coffee was recently noted at a Gloria Jean's Coffee store on sale for for the steep price of $54.99. Volcanica Coffee brings you fresh roasted Blue Mountain Coffee at reasonable prices.


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Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee

I am dedicating this blog to all coffee drinkers, coffee lovers and to my family. I am wishing that someday, i will be able to taste Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, or even the Green Mountain Coffee. These two are the best coffee in the whole world and the most expensive coffee. Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is grown in the Blue Mountain of Jamaica wherein the climate has help the coffee beans to grow in the most perfect way which greatly affects the taste of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee.

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